Sarsaparilla Root

$5.95 - $16.95
  • Sarsaparilla Root
  • Sarsaparilla Root
  • Sarsaparilla Root
  • Sarsaparilla Root

Drink up the health benefits of Sarsaparilla root! This root is used to make medicine and helps treat serious, even life-threatening infections, such as leprosy or cancer.

πŸ‘‰It can also πŸ‘‡

* helps to prevent and treat cancer,
* lowers inflammation & pain,
* increases sex drive,
* relieves fluid retention, puffiness, swelling and bloating,
* boosts the immune system,
* weight loss,
* eases arthritis
* lowers the body's levels of free radicals,
* improves skin issues ( eczema, rashes, acne, psoriasis, fungus, pruritus and wounds,
* detoxifies the body,
* relieves digestive problems,
* improves kidney health,
* promotes muscle growth and mass,
* treats syphilis,
* boosts testosterone levels,
* improves cognitive function,
* treats asthma,
* cleans the blood,
* improves liver function,
* and removes toxins from the body

πŸ‘‰To prepare, πŸ‘‡

Add 1/4 teaspoon of Sarsaparilla to a teapot or infuser, pour hot water over the root, and steep for 10-30 minutes. Strain the tea, add honey or any other sweetener, and enjoy hot or cold!